Krisesenteret gir eit bu- og dagtilbud til kvinner, barn, menn og LHBT-personar.
Krisesenteret Vest IKS
Filmen under er oversett til 13 språk: arabisk, engelsk, farsi, fransk, polsk, russisk, samisk, somali, sorani, spansk, thai, tyrkisk og urdu.
Information in 13 languages
For some, home is the least safe place to be. The pandemic has exacerbated this. Do you need someone to talk to, or are you worried about someone you know?
Krisesenteret Vest IKS
The crisis center provides accommodation and day care for women, children, men and LGBT people.
The information film has been translated into 13 languages: arabic, english, farsi, french, polish, russian, sami, somali, sorani, spanish, thai, turkish and urdu.